Kali flythrough from Mark Grossi on Vimeo.
Kali flythrough from Mark Grossi on Vimeo.
The model is going to retain very simple geometry - the magic will come from the textures. Currently working on building a toilet, as a friend rightly suggested that having a dank, dilapidated bathroom would be more effective than a kitchen.
So far I have the window, table and medicine cabinet built.
I'll try to get the preliminary storyboards up by the end of next week.
Stage 3
Glued a layer of ripped "cardboard fluff" on top of the texture. Layered handmade paper on top of some sections then painted with acrylic. Once it dried I took a craft knife to sections; exposing the texture and emphasising depth by painting certain areas.
Stage 2
Printed out the high-res textures I created in Photoshop, then glued them onto the wood.
Stage 1
Cut out 4 pieces of wood: 3 walls & 1 floor.Firstly, I apologise for the poor photo quality. I decided to go ahead and create a physical layout of our environment. Although I hadn't sketched any ideas, I had the colour, style and feel strongly fleshed out in my head.
Above all else, this is to help us picture how we'll animate our character within the space and to act as a guide when we progress further into development.